Cedar Green H Betsy


DOB: January 15, 2018

Cedar Green H Betsy joined our herd as a yearling and I’m thrilled to have her. She has lovely dairy character, a well put together front assembly and level topline. Her mammary system did not disappoint with nice rear udder height, nicely placed teats and soft, easy to milk udder texture. She remains one of my favourites in the herd.

Kidding history:

First freshening (2020) - single buckling, milking 1.3 lbs at 6 weeks fresh, 12 hour hold

Second freshening (2021) - twin doelings, milking 1.5 lbs at 5 weeks fresh, 12 hour hold

Third freshening (2022) - single doeling, milking 1.3 lbs at 12 weeks fresh, 10 hour hold (I was late to start milking this year).


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